​Contact Us: (520) 661-9787 ​
The Omega House provides life-changing, individualized, Christ centered programs that lead to men obtaining stable employment, independent housing and achieving self-sufficiency. Our Christ- centered environment is the instrumental key in developing responsible citizens. From the inception of the Omega House, approximately ninety individuals have been residents. Current volunteers are members of the Maranatha Church as well as members of the community who facilitate weekly Bible studies, counseling sessions as well as provide transportation for social service appointments. In addition, volunteer assistance is provided for job searches as well as individualized training assistance and the reconciliation of the clients with their families whenever possible and as applicable . Through our ministry’s programs, the lives of men who enter the Omega House (and their families) are filled with purpose and a clear sense of direction as they have grown to know or to be reconnected to Jesus Christ. We aim to return men to their families and communities as responsible, productive and contributing citizens with a strong spiritual foundation.
Pastor and Mrs. Ranison Kennedy had been involved in Prison Ministry for thirty five years. After moving to Tucson, Arizona from the California Bay Area, their ministry began to focus on men who had been recently released from prison yet with no place to go and no support system available to help them toward rehabilitation and re-connection to the community in which they had previously lived. In addition, as evidenced in the communities where they were called to minister, they identified a significant population of homeless men and individuals who had a desire to and/or were recovering from chemical dependency. A building was purchased with donated funds in the same year. Work to renovate the facility began shortly afterwards by Pastor Kennedy and local volunteers.
Our Offerings
Smoking Cessation
Chemical Dependency
Information on how to access community resources such as SNAP (food stamps), AHCCCS (AZ. State Medicaid), bus passes, etc.
Financial Management
Health and Nutrition
Job Skills Preparation
Spiritual Awareness
12 STEP Christian Recovery
Anger Management
Conflict Resolution
Our Mission
Our Team
Pastor/Chaplian Ranison Kennedy
Rosie Marie Kennedy
Program Administrator
Casandra Galloway
Program Planner / Counselor
The mission of Omega House is to provide life-changing, individualized, Christ centered programs that lead to men obtaining stable employment, independent housing and achieving self-sufficiency. Our Christ- centered environment is the instrumental key in developing responsible citizens.